I like to reflect every birthday on the lessons that have really defined me in the past year. This is 21.
1. There’s value in being bored. In having time to be bored.
2. Know when to make objective decisions and know when to make emotionally charged ones.
3. The stuff in the “back of your mind” that’s “not a big deal” is your subconscious speaking. Give it the time of day sometimes. Listen to what it has to tell you.
4. Compassion means making people feel seen and understood through their pain.
5. It’s hard to see the world through another persons lens. Listen to learn not to persuade.
6. People will disagree with you. Don’t get defensive. Don’t get emotional. Answer their questions. State the facts and explain your reasoning.
7. Prioritize your physical health just as much as you do your mental. Boiled eggs for lunch is not it chief.
8. Are you having fun? Are you learning and growing? Do you feel good after hanging out with them? Let that guide who you spend your time with.
9. Human connection is a beautiful thing. It’s rare. So hold onto it when you feel it. It can’t be forced. But it can be nurtured.
10. Never let your emotions overpower your intelligence. But be smart enough to know when to hear it out.
11. Never compromise getting a good nights rest. Your max is three 4hr nights. But even that should be avoided unless absolutely necessary.
12. You’re too young to not be carefree. Too young to not be spontaneous. Too young to not break some rules. Too young to not be making memories.
13. Wash your hands. Stop touching your face.
14. Looking in the mirror doesn’t make you vain. When you look good you feel good.
15. Read. Make notes. Underline the book. It’s fun.
16. You feel better when you use your brain. Puzzles are fun. Logic is fun. When you’re feeling restless try to flip that switch.
17. Do nothing weekends. Non-zero weekends. No work. Go out. See your friends. Make some memories.
18. Get paid to learn.
19. Things should be challenging, but never confusing.
20. Consistency goes a long way. You don’t need to making leaps every step you take. Consistent baby steps will take you far.
21. Taking a break doesn’t mean regressing. Slowing down doesn’t mean regressing.