What's Next?
Thursday, August 12, 2021

I had a chat with one of my earlier mentors. It had been two years since I had seen him. I was having a bit of an existential crisis in navigating that just graduated to full time job transition period of getting the profession I dreamed about, thus subsequently, the lifestyle, and I was wondering "what next?" 

I decided to take some time off from the grind I was so used to just to appreciate everything I was working so hard for. I still feel restless. But sometimes, you need more clarity on what you actually want before you start moving in no direction.

I guess the general theme of this is, young adulthood is a strange and awkward time as you learn how to create your own rules and structure.

Anyway, these are my notes: 

There's a lot of noise. And sometimes that makes things confusing.

Understand the fundamentals of human needs — Robert Greene

Well with our generation shifting to care more about moral ethics, how important is policy? Can we just create a code of conduct. The design industry is super impressionable as it is right now.

"That's a big question."

And how do you go about exploring big questions?

"You see the world through a very realistic lens. You don't see it for better than it is or worse than it is. Just as it is, and you find opportunities in that to improve it."

"Money as an outcome. Not an objective."

"Your values are your torch."

Reading List that came out of that call: